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W kolejnym odcinku z serii vlogów: #Get Digital | Sesja Q&A, na Wasze pytania odpowiada legenda świata IT – Bruce Eckel!

Do jego najsłynniejszych dzieł należą  Thinking in C++ oraz Thinking in Java. Jesteśmy szczęśliwi, że tak wspaniały prelegent zaszczycił Get Digital swoim wystąpieniem 😊

Podczas sesji Q&A Bruce odpowiada na takie pytania jak:

  • Can records be used in Spring framework?
  • Since the records do not comply with java beans convention and also are not suitable for hibernate entities, I have only used records for DTOs. What is your typical real-life use case?
  • As records are immutable have those structures better performance on multi-core processors?
  • Does usage of Lombok still make sense when working with Java 17?

Miłego oglądania! 🙂

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Bruce Eckel

He has published 10 books, numerous blog posts, over 150 articles, and has given hundreds of presentations. He creates and runs small conferences and provides training and consulting in programming languages and software system design. With James Ward, he creates the Happy Path Programming podcast. More information: www.MindViewLLC.com

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