Możliwa lokalizacja
    Twoje zadania

    • English proficiency
    • ​Previous experience of managing front-to-back software development lifecycles
    • Professional knowledge of modern PHP, MySQL and JavaScript, ideally with experience in Symfony 2, Angular JS and Bootstrap
    • Proven leadership experience and the ability to manage senior stakeholders across all areas of the business
    • An ongoing commitment to providing a market leading service for internal stakeholders and for our international community
    • Degree from a leading university, ideally in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering, but other subjects will also be considered
    • Deep personal interest in following new trends and technologies

    Nr oferty 170802-7495F

    Dlaczego Sii

    Great Place to Work

    it’s thanks to feedback from our workers that we get this special title and constantly implement new ideas


    Fascinating projects

    prestigious brands from around the world, long-term contracts with many clients


    Projects suited to you

    Do you want to change your career path? Is your project coming to an end? We’ll find you a new one! We have an app for this – Job Changer


    We share the profit with Workers

    last year we allocated PLN 23 M to this benefit


    PLN 1 000 000 per year for your ideas

    with this amount, we support the passions and voluntary actions of our workers


    7 500 experts and many development opportunities

    Tech Communities, workshops, a training platform, and a technology blog – you choose


    Employment stability

    revenue of EUR 480M, no debts, since 2006 on the market


    Great, comfortable offices

    perfect place to work, integrate, have fun together, and celebrate successes


    Open-minded and available management team

    quick decision-making, we’re all on a first-name basis


    True values

    these are not empty words – we’re guided by them every day


    Fantastic atmosphere

    created by all Sii Power People


    Attractive benefits package

    private healthcare, benefits cafeteria platform, car discounts and more

    Zobacz więcej Pokaż mniej

    Dołącz do nas

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    Twoja wiadomość została wysłana


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    Masz znajomych poszukujących nowych wyzwań zawodowych?

    Opowiedz im o pracy w Sii

    Poleć znajomego do Sii
    Jeśli go zatrudnimy
    Zgarniesz nawet 8 000 PLN

    Dane osoby polecanej

    Dopuszczalne pliki: DOC, DOCX, PDF (max 5MB)

    Twoje dane

    Poleć znajomego do Sii
    Jeśli go zatrudnimy
    Zgarniesz nawet 8 000 PLN

    Twoja wiadomość została wysłana


    Dowiedz się więcej o Sii

    Przepraszamy, coś poszło nie tak i Twoja wiadomość nie została dostarczona.

    Odśwież stronę i spróbuj ponownie.

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