Welcome to Sii’s blog created out of a passion for technology. Usually quite seriously, and sometimes tongue-in-cheek, but always expertly and professionally, we share our experience and knowledge gained during work and while exploring the latest technologies as a hobby.
Over 335,000 page views and 130 publications from more than a dozen technological areas per year! Sounds good, right? Sii’s blog has been one of the most searched sources of technology knowledge since 2015. And all these are thanks to the passion and experience that our experts are happy to share.
Many of them are real diamonds – experts in their field, ready to reliably present their own observations, conduct analyses, organize available knowledge, write openly about the advantages and disadvantages of solutions, and sometimes force discussion.
Descriptions of their own career paths created by the bloggers inspire ambitious candidates and help make the decision for people who consider a change in technology or want to change their career paths to IT.
In Sii, technology is for everyone, which is why the blog articles are dedicated to Juniors, Regulars and Seniors. In this way, we can take care of every knowledge-hungry Reader who wants to develop – regardless of the level of experience. With intuitive navigation, organized categories, and a modern design, it’s easy to get acquainted with:
- recommendations, opinions on tools and career development advice,
- examples, code snippets and implementations,
- test scenarios and best practices in the area of testing,
- advice on project and team management.
Check out and read ambitious content!
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