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Business Agility

By using our Business Agility services, you optimize processes, strengthen teams,
and support sustainable growth, perfectly tailored to the unique needs of your business.



Rapid adaptation to market changes 

In the dynamic business environment, the ability to adapt quickly becomes crucial. Companies that are agile gain an advantage through: 

  • Adopt innovation faster: Agility allows for rapid introduction of new products and services to the market, enabling valuable customer feedback and adjustment of offerings to real needs. 
  • Seize opportunities better: Thanks to agility, companies can swiftly respond to new trends and market changes, maximizing emerging business opportunities. 
  • Make data-driven decisions: Adjust your decisions based on experiment results and market feedback. Shortening the time to market for Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) allows for rapid testing of business hypotheses and making informed decisions regarding their continuation or change in direction

Competitive advantage 

Improved customer experiences and competitiveness 

By swiftly responding to evolving customer needs and preferences, organizations can deliver products and services that perfectly meet market expectations. Agility translates into: 

  • Enhanced customer experiences: Agile companies can quickly adjust their offerings to evolving customer demands, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Rapid feedback response allows for continuous improvement of products and services. 
  • Competitive advantage: Agile organizations outpace competitors through faster innovation adoption and more intensive actions. Speed of response and adaptability enables to offer exceptional customer experiences, distinguishing the company from competitors. 

Employee satisfaction 

Attracting and retaining top talent 

Agile work environments attract and retain the best professionals who value flexibility, collaboration, and continuous development opportunities. Through agility, companies can create inspiring and dynamic workspaces that appeal to talented professionals. Business agility helps build a culture and teams where employees feel valued and motivated, leading to longer tenure in the company. 


Expertise and experience

Our team consists of specialists with extensive experience in change management and business process optimization. We hold numerous certifications, including SAFe® Program Consultant (SPC), SPS, PSPO I, PAL I, PSM I, PSM II, PSM III, PMP, AgilePM, PMI-ACP, and ICP-ACC, confirming our expertise. We have collaborated with leaders from various sectors, such as retail, healthcare, banking, and finance, completing over 300 global projects. This gives us a deep understanding of the specific challenges and needs of our clients

Personalized approach

We offer individually tailored solutions to your company's specific needs. Our approach includes in-depth analysis of the organization and consultations with experts. Using methods such as Value Stream Mapping, we optimize the flow of value in your organization, and with Lean Portfolio Management, we improve prioritization and resource management. We ensure consistency in strategy and goal achievement.

Innovation and efficiency

We introduce innovative methods and tools. We implement Atlassian products such as Jira and Confluence for project management and team collaboration. We apply Value Stream Mapping and Lean Portfolio Management to optimize value flow and resource management. We implement DevOps and CI/CD to increase efficiency and shorten product delivery times. We assist in conducting Planning Interval (PI) for team synchronization and Inspect and Adapt (I&A) for continuous improvement and maintaining consistency in teamwork. Through these solutions, we support the development and competitiveness of your company.



See how we do it step by step


01 Analysis and diagnosis

  • Current state assessment. We conduct a detailed analysis of current processes and structures in your company.
  • Identification of areas for improvement. We identify key areas requiring optimization and change.

02 Planning and strategy

  • Agility strategy development. We create tailored strategies to enhance your business flexibility.
  • Transformation path mapping. We outline a clear action plan and implementation stages.

03 Process optimization

  • Automation and improvements. We introduce modern technologies and tools to increase efficiency.
  • Lean Management. We apply Lean Management principles to eliminate waste and increase value added.

04 Training and development

  • Training programs. We offer training and workshops for employees at all levels of the organization.
  • Coaching and mentoring. We provide support through coaching and mentoring to facilitate change implementation.

05 Organizational culture change

  • Promoting Agile mindset. We support the development of an organizational culture based on Agile values.
  • Employee engagement. We work to increase engagement and collaboration within teams.

06 Monitoring and evaluation

  • Progress tracking. We regularly monitor progress and the effects of implemented changes.
  • Strategy adjustment. We continuously adjust actions based on results and feedback received.


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Read out FAQ

What is Business Agility and why is it important for companies?

Business Agility is the ability of an organization to quickly adapt to market changes and effectively respond to customer needs. In today’s dynamic world, where changes occur at lightning speed, agility has become a crucial element of every company’s growth strategy. Through agility, organizations can innovate faster, optimize processes, and increase the value delivered to customers.

What are the key principles and practices of business agility?

The key principles of business agility include customer focus, flexibility in decision-making, promoting collaboration within teams, and continuous process improvement. These practices help organizations manage work and projects agilely, delivering better solutions in a shorter time.

What challenges might organizations face when implementing agile?

During Agile implementation, organizations may face several challenges, including:

  1. Cultural Change: Transitioning to Agile requires a shift in mindset and work culture, which can be difficult in companies with established, hierarchical structures. Employees may resist change, and implementing new Agile values and principles can take considerable time.
  2. Lack of Executive Support: For Agile implementation to be successful, strong support from management is essential. Without the involvement and backing of leadership, changes may encounter resistance and fail to deliver the expected results.
  3. Insufficient Training and Knowledge: Agile relies on specific methods and tools that require proper training. A lack of knowledge and skills among teams can lead to ineffective Agile implementation and frustration among employees.
  4. Communication Issues: Agile promotes frequent and open communication within and between teams. In organizations where communication is not a strong point, this can be challenging, negatively affecting collaboration and efficiency.
  5. Inadequate Organizational Structures: Traditional organizational structures may not support Agile working methods. The need to reorganize departments or teams can be difficult and may face resistance.
  6. Change Management: Agile requires rapid response to changes, which can be challenging in environments with established processes and procedures. Flexibility in decision-making can be difficult, especially in organizations accustomed to long decision-making cycles.
  7. Scaling Challenges: In larger organizations, implementing Agile on a large scale can be complex. Synchronizing multiple teams working according to Agile principles requires careful planning and coordination to avoid chaos and inefficiency.

Addressing these challenges requires commitment, patience, and proper planning, but effective Agile implementation can bring significant benefits to the organization.

How long does the Agile transformation process take?

In total, a complete Agile transformation typically takes between 1 to 3 years, with ongoing refinement even after the initial goals are met. However, the process can be shorter or longer depending on the specific context and commitment of the organization.

For which companies will Agile be the right approach?

Agile is ideal for companies in dynamic, fast-paced environments where flexibility, speed, and customer responsiveness are critical.

1. Technology and Startups:

  • Agile is a natural fit for software development and tech companies, enabling rapid iteration and quick adaptation to changes. Startups benefit from Agile by quickly testing ideas and pivoting as needed.

2. Competitive and Innovation-Driven Industries:

  • Companies in competitive markets, product development, and high-innovation sectors like healthcare or automotive can use Agile to stay responsive and innovative.

3. Digital Transformation and Consulting:

  • Organizations undergoing digital transformation and consulting firms handling complex projects can use Agile to manage uncertainty, deliver incremental value, and maintain flexibility.

This approach may not suit highly regulated industries or those with stable, long-term planning needs.


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Maciej Szostek

Director of Agile & Atlassian Competency Center

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