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Send your request Join Sii

At Sii, we conduct business in compliance with the best practices, international standards, applicable laws, and regulations. 
Our supply chain also adheres to these principles, and we expect our Partners and Suppliers to adopt a similar approach.

Supplier Social Responsibility Code

We ensure joint ethical principles with our Suppliers

Regular Suppliers’ evaluation

We conduct ESG Suppliers’ self-assessment

CSR newsletter for Suppliers

We aim to build ESG awareness through our newsletter


Global Terms and Conditions of Purchase

General Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Sii Diverse Supplier

Sii Diverse Supplier

Sii collaborates with Diverse Suppliers: businesses owned or managed by individuals representing marginalized or discriminated groups such as women, people with disabilities, minorities (including national, ethnic, or LGBTQ+), as well as small enterprises. 

Contact us

Marta Sosińska

Junior Procurement Specialist

Contact our expert

Marta Sosińska

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