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MS Teams

22.10.2024 - 24.10.2024

4:00 pm -7:00 pm

Ready for the most exciting journey through the world of technology? Join the 4th edition of Get Digital Summit, an online conference that unites hundreds of IT enthusiasts from different industries and sectors every year. See outstanding experts such as Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob), Jacob Beningo, Stephen Toub and Osman Agirbas.

Discover the speakers and their topics:

Robert C. Martin

The Three Laws of Test Driven Development

The jury is in, the case is closed. TDD works, and works well. In this talk Uncle Bob makes the point that TDD is not a testing technique at all. Rather, TDD is a way to ensure good architecture, good design, good documentation, and that the software works as the programmer intended. TDD is a necessary discipline for those developers seeking to become professionals. This talk is half lecture and half demonstration. Examples are in Java and Junit.

Bio: A legend of the IT world, he has been in the IT industry since 1970. Author of “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship,” “Agile Principles, Patterns and Practices in C#,” “The Clean Coder,” and “UML for Java Programmers.”

Jacob Beningo

Securing Embedded Systems

Struggling with securing your embedded systems? You’re not alone - security is one of the most critical and complex challenges in embedded development. This presentation offers a holistic approach to securing embedded systems, balancing complexity and cost. We'll cover essential practices like Threat Modeling and Security Analysis (TMSA), the Secure Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Cortex-M (TF-M) and the role of Rust in writing safer, more secure code. Through practical examples, you’ll learn to identify and mitigate security risks effectively, ensuring security is built into your projects from the start.

Bio: Embedded software consultant with 20 years of experience in microcontroller-based systems and founder of Beningo Embedded Group. Helps companies modernize the way they design and develop embedded software.

Osman Agirbas

Monolith to Microservices in a Major FinTech Platform: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

This is not just another “Monolith-to-Microservices” presentation but a real-life account of lessons learned and mistakes made during our journey. Is it better to start small and risk-free? How feasible are incremental migration plans? Where should you limit team autonomy before it becomes too costly? Should you combine technical migration with business process redesign? Is it better to have dedicated migration teams, or should everyone participate? When can you delete old code, if ever? Should you migrate to the cloud at the same time? We will explore these questions and share our experience migrating our 25-year-old, 6-million-LOC monolith.

Bio: Managing Director of Digital Products and Technology at Interhyp Gruppe. He has more than a decade of experience in various positions and was involved in Interhyp Gruppe's project to build the new platform - HOME.

Stephen Toub

Get started today adding AI into your .NET applications

Getting started at anything can be a challenge, but getting started with AI in .NET is actually easy. We’ll start with a blank application and go step-by-step seeing how easy it is to start incorporating AI-based functionality into your .NET applications and services.

Bio: Partner Software Engineer on the .NET team at Microsoft. He focuses on the libraries that make up the .NET stack, end-to-end performance, and making it easy for developers to incorporate AI into their .NET applications.

Daniel Whitenack

Principles of operating private, secure GenAI applications

Almost every company is exploring use of GenAI at some level, but many are getting disillusioned as they try to figure out how to run AI-driven workflows in a secure, compliant, and private manner. This talk will cover the similarities and differences between traditional software applications and GenAI applications when it comes to data protection and thread modeling. In addition, we will cover the main operating principles and architectures that will allow you to move from AI hype to enterprise-readiness.

Vadim Peczyński

Your own AI model in .NET

[Presentation in Polish]

Have you ever wanted to create your own artificial intelligence model, but didn't know how to start? Or have you already learned the theory and don't know how to put it into practice? During the interactive presentation, I will guide you through the process of analyzing the data, improving the information in it and teaching you a model based on it that you can use in your own applications. The presentation will be conducted in C#, but the concepts presented in it can be applied to any programming language.

Bio: C# programmer with over 8 years of experience. He specializes in full-stack programming. He is a PhD student at Gdansk University of Technology and conducts research on microservices architecture.

Łukasz Ryński

 A practical approach to migrating solutions to the AWS cloud

[Presentation in Polish]

Migrating to the cloud is more than preparing your infrastructure and getting your applications up and running. It's a complex process that requires precise planning to avoid disruption. In my presentation, I will discuss key aspects of migrating to the AWS cloud, including the “Lift and Shift”, “Refactor” and “Replatform” approaches. I will show how to design a flexible cloud architecture and share practical tips on migration planning to make the process smooth and efficient.

Bio: Solution Architect with over 12 years of experience. Active consultant and trainer in distributed architecture, cloud solutions and Big Data.

Paweł Czapiewski

Edge AI - overview, technological insights, future directions

This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of Edge AI and IoT, and Edge AI algorithms, blending theoretical insights with practical applications. It explores the future of edge computing, IoT and AI, focusing on deploying and optimizing AI models on edge devices. The session will highlight industry use cases and discuss emerging trends, challenges, and innovations. Attendees will also gain insights from case studies and practical tools for developing edge solutions.

Bio: Expert with more than 10 years of commercial experience in numerous projects, software development consultant in the areas of ML, AI, Python, C, C++ and C#.

Check the schedule

October 22

4:00-5:00 P.M. Łukasz Ryński, Solution Architect Sii - A practical approach to migrating solutions to the AWS cloud [Presentation in Polish]

5:00-6:00 P.M. Daniel Whitenack, Founder & CEO Prediction Guard - Principles of operating private, secure GenAI applications

6:00-7:00 P.M. Robert C. Martin, Author of “Clean Code” and “Clean Architecture” - Three Laws of Test Driven Development

October 23

4:00-5:00 P.M. Osman Agirbas, Managing Director for Digital Products & Technology at Interhyp Gruppe - Monolith to microservices in a major FinTech Platform: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

5:00-6:00 P.M. Paweł Czapiewski, Subject Matter Expert Sii - Edge AI - overview, technological insights, future directions

6:00-7:00 P.M. Jacob Beningo, Embedded Software Consultant, Firmware Expert, Smallsat Flight Software - Securing Embedded Systems

October 24

4:00-5:00 P.M. Stephen Toub, Partner Software Engineer on the .NET team at Microsoft - Get started today adding AI into your .NET applications

5:00-6:00 P.M. Vadim Peczyński, Senior Software Engineer Sii - Your own AI model in .NET [Presentation in Polish]

6:00-7:00 P.M. Presentation topic coming soon

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