Possible location
  • Stockholm
Technologies & tools

Must have:

  • Data Privacy
  • Agile
  • EA tools


  • gap analysis

Sii Sweden is looking for a talented Enterprise Architect to join the project for our customers from the banking industry.

As an Enterprise Architect, you would have as an overall goal to support defining the architectural design for managing Data Privacy risk and processes and improve cohesion among the different Workstreams regarding the IT solutions that serve their business purposes. You need to have strong data privacy experience so that you can serve as a guide for the solutions.

Join Sii Sweden and unlock the perks of an experienced IT consulting company. Access training, webinars, knowledge-sharing opportunities with fellow Sii colleagues as well as our rich compensation package including insurance, pension plan, and wellness package.

We hope to see you onboard!

Your role

  • Supporting in facilitating workshops/training sessions to educate stakeholders on data privacy management best practices and technologies
  • Providing regular updates to PMO and/or relevant stakeholders on the progress of the integrated It solutions
  • Designing and overseeing the implementation of integrated IT solutions and ensuring that these solutions are aligned with overall business objectives and regulatory standards
  • Conducting gap analysis or redundancies in data privacy solutions
  • Developing a comprehensive enterprise target architecture view that supports the Data Privacy Program
  • Assessing and defining functional and non-functional requirements and subsequently needed Tech Solution Selection

Your skills
  • Minimum BA in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, or a related field
  • At least 7 years of experience in IT, with at least 3-5 years in a leadership or architect role
  • Experience in the banking industry, especially within Data Privacy from an Enterprise Architecture
  • Having expertise in software development, systems architecture, infrastructure, data management, security, and networking
  • Ability to come up with solutions that effectively address business and IT issues through technical analysis, troubleshooting, research, evaluation, and communication
  • Proficiency in frameworks like TOGAF, Zachman, or similar

Job no. 240912-WWFU1

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