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21.09.2024 - 29.09.2024
Net price:
PLN 3 000
Lowest price in the last 30 days before the reduction: 0
Course objectives

Getting to know the possibilities of Power BI, gaining the ability to create reports – from connecting to a data source to creating interactive reports and publishing them.


  • The acquired knowledge will allow participants to:
    • Prepare, model and visualize data needed to create a report.
    • Build visually rich reports, presenting data in a form facilitating business decision-making.
    • Acquire good development practices, such as code formatting, naming, and classification of tables and columns.
    • Understand how relationships between tables work and how to create them.
    • Independently build advanced reports using extensive DAX formulas.
    • Learn about operations on tables imported into the model and tables and columns created with DAX formulas
    • Build a solid foundation for further self-development of acquired skills.
    • Handle more complex cases of datasets independently.
Thematic scope
  1. Power Query
  • Retrieving data, Transformation and Formatting
  • Connecting, References, Duplicates
  • Creating custom columns
  • Merging and grouping queries
  1. Data modelling
  • Star schema, assigning functions for tables
  • Creating proper relationships
  • Context-sensitive filtering
  1. Data visualization
  • Themes, templates, backgrounds
  • Choice of visualization considering data types
  • Hierarchy, Drilling, Labels
  • Tabs and relations between objects in the report
  1. DAX for tabels and columns
  • The most common table operations in DAX
  • Using virtual tables
  1. DAX measures
  • Meaning and advantages of using measures
  • 30+ most commonly used DAX expression combinations
  • Time Functions in Power BI
  1. Power BI Service
  • Report publication, editing, access
  • Dashboards, Apps and Datasets
  • Row Level Security – Assignable Roles (RLS)
  • Refreshing the data and visualizations
Training scope
  • Day 1
    • Introduction to Power BI
    • Data Retrieval, Transformation and Formatting
    • Merging, References, Duplicates
    • Star schema, assigning functions for tables
    • Creating proper relationships
    • Context-sensitive filtering
    • Themes, templates, backgrounds
    • Choice of visualization considering data types
    • Hierarchy, Drilling, Labels
    • Tabs and relations between objects in the report
  • Day 2
    • Introduction to measures and the importance of using them
    • Basic DAX expressions
    • If/Switch/True type conditional functions
    • Introduction to variables
    • Creation and usage of „What If” type parameters
    • Most popular time-related DAX expressions
    • Time ranges, calendar periods, points in time
    • Introduction to tabs – filtering
    • Homework – a Power BI report
  • Day 3
    • Discussion about the self-prepared reports
    • Principles of human perception
    • Knowledge of psychology helps you create better reports
    • Storytelling concept
    • Small multiples, decomposition tree
    • Drilling/Tooltips/Labels
    • Tabs to organize the page
    • Custom templates and backgrounds
    • Grouping, references and duplicates
    • Creating custom columns
    • Merging and grouping queries
  • Day 4
    • Popular business tasks solved with DAX
    • Measures as filters
    • Use of virtual tables
    • Relationship-free tables
    • DataSets – refreshing/planning
    • Building apps in Power BI services
    • Row-Level Security – roles to assign

The Become a Power BI Developer training is addressed both to beginners who have not dealt with Power BI data analysis before, as well as to people who work as a developer/data analyst or create reports and want to consolidate their knowledge .

Course objectives

Getting to know the possibilities of Power BI, gaining the ability to create reports – from connecting to a data source to creating interactive reports and publishing them.


  • The acquired knowledge will allow participants to:
    • Prepare, model and visualize data needed to create a report.
    • Build visually rich reports, presenting data in a form facilitating business decision-making.
    • Acquire good development practices, such as code formatting, naming, and classification of tables and columns.
    • Understand how relationships between tables work and how to create them.
    • Independently build advanced reports using extensive DAX formulas.
    • Learn about operations on tables imported into the model and tables and columns created with DAX formulas
    • Build a solid foundation for further self-development of acquired skills.
    • Handle more complex cases of datasets independently.
Thematic scope
  1. Power Query
  • Retrieving data, Transformation and Formatting
  • Connecting, References, Duplicates
  • Creating custom columns
  • Merging and grouping queries
  1. Data modelling
  • Star schema, assigning functions for tables
  • Creating proper relationships
  • Context-sensitive filtering
  1. Data visualization
  • Themes, templates, backgrounds
  • Choice of visualization considering data types
  • Hierarchy, Drilling, Labels
  • Tabs and relations between objects in the report
  1. DAX for tabels and columns
  • The most common table operations in DAX
  • Using virtual tables
  1. DAX measures
  • Meaning and advantages of using measures
  • 30+ most commonly used DAX expression combinations
  • Time Functions in Power BI
  1. Power BI Service
  • Report publication, editing, access
  • Dashboards, Apps and Datasets
  • Row Level Security – Assignable Roles (RLS)
  • Refreshing the data and visualizations
Training scope
  • Day 1
    • Introduction to Power BI
    • Data Retrieval, Transformation and Formatting
    • Merging, References, Duplicates
    • Star schema, assigning functions for tables
    • Creating proper relationships
    • Context-sensitive filtering
    • Themes, templates, backgrounds
    • Choice of visualization considering data types
    • Hierarchy, Drilling, Labels
    • Tabs and relations between objects in the report
  • Day 2
    • Introduction to measures and the importance of using them
    • Basic DAX expressions
    • If/Switch/True type conditional functions
    • Introduction to variables
    • Creation and usage of „What If” type parameters
    • Most popular time-related DAX expressions
    • Time ranges, calendar periods, points in time
    • Introduction to tabs – filtering
    • Homework – a Power BI report
  • Day 3
    • Discussion about the self-prepared reports
    • Principles of human perception
    • Knowledge of psychology helps you create better reports
    • Storytelling concept
    • Small multiples, decomposition tree
    • Drilling/Tooltips/Labels
    • Tabs to organize the page
    • Custom templates and backgrounds
    • Grouping, references and duplicates
    • Creating custom columns
    • Merging and grouping queries
  • Day 4
    • Popular business tasks solved with DAX
    • Measures as filters
    • Use of virtual tables
    • Relationship-free tables
    • DataSets – refreshing/planning
    • Building apps in Power BI services
    • Row-Level Security – roles to assign

The Become a Power BI Developer training is addressed both to beginners who have not dealt with Power BI data analysis before, as well as to people who work as a developer/data analyst or create reports and want to consolidate their knowledge .

The number of participants: 8-15 people

Duration: 4 days

Available language: PL

Available course material: PL

Course form

The course concentrates on practice and hands-on experience. Training content: 10% presentation and 90% exercises.
All participants will prepare professional business reports. Most of the content is DAX use cases.

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AgilePM® is a registered trademark of Agile Business Consortium Limited.
All AgilePM® Courses are offered by Sii, an Affiliate of Quint Wellington Redwood, an Accredited Training Organization of The APM Group Ltd.
Lean IT® Association is a registered trademark of the Lean IT Association LLC. All rights reserved. Sii is an Affiliate of Accredited Training OrganizationQuint Wellington Redwood.
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