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§ 1 Basic Definitions

Terms used in these rules and regulations concerning training services provided by Sii Sp. z o.o. shall have the following meaning:

  1. Training – any training service (training service, exam, business simulation, workshop) provided by the Service Provider, including: training (in the form of a theoretical lecture, in some cases combined with exercises), workshop (theoretical lectures combined with practical exercises), business simulation (exercise based on role-playing in a simulated environment), or exam. The Trainings include dedicated Trainings and open Trainings. If the Training is conducted online then the exception to the right of withdrawal outlined in point (m) of the first paragraph of Article 16 applies to it. (m) of Directive 2011/83/EU, which stipulates that the consumer loses the right to withdraw from the contract when the performance of the contract begins, for example in the case of downloading or streaming content, subject to the consumer's prior express consent to the start of the performance during the withdrawal period and the consumer's acknowledgment that he thereby loses his right to withdraw from the contract, which was introduced into the Polish legal order by the Act of May 30, 2014, on Consumer Rights in Article 38 point. 13.
  2. Ordering Party – a natural person, legal entity, or organizational unit without legal personality that decided to sign up a Participant for the Training.
  3. Participant – a natural person that the Ordering Party signed up for the Training organized by the Service Provider.
  4. Service Provider or Organizer – Sii sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, at. al. Niepodległości 69, 02-626 Warszawa, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under number 0000249203, being a registered goods and services tax payer, NIP 5252352907, REGON 140381516, with a share capital of PLN 400,000 (say: four hundred thousand).
  5. Price List – a document available on or presented in the Offer and containing a summary of Trainings with listed net and gross unit price.
  6. Promotional Price List – a document available on or presented in the Offer and containing a summary of Trainings with promotional net and gross unit price. The Promotional Price List can be a part of the Price List.
  7. Training Completion Certificate – a document confirming taking part in the Training, given to people participating in classes being a part of a specific Training.
  8. Offer – a document presented to the Ordering Party by the Service Provider and including the names of services along with the conditions under which they shall be provided. In particular, this term applies to dedicated Trainings.
  9. Order Form – a document whose completion by the Ordering Party and its sending to the Service Provider in accordance with the rules set forth in the Rules and Regulations is necessary to start the Training sign-up process. The Order Form serves as a formal service order and equals accepting both pricing conditions and Rules and Regulations.
  10. Open Training – a Training addressed to every person interested in the topic of the Training, the information about which is available on and which is not classified as a dedicated Training.
  11. Dedicated Training – a Training addressed to or designed for a specific Client to meet their needs. For such Training, Prices, Offer, and settlement rules can be negotiated individually.
  12. Training Completion Date – the last day of the Training during which content-related classes are conducted and Training Completion Certificates are given.
  13. Rules and Regulations – the present rules and regulations concerning the provision of training services by Sii sp. z o.o.

§ 2 Notification of intended participation in a Training

  1. The method of notifying intended participation in a Training depends on its form and is different for open Trainings and dedicated Trainings. The following provisions of this paragraph apply to open Trainings unless the Service Provider and the Ordering Party agree that the provisions of this paragraph shall also apply to dedicated Trainings.
  2. The Training can be attended by any natural person who fulfills the Training sign-up conditions, in accordance with paragraph 3 below – orders and payment – described in the Rules and Regulations, at the same time taking into account the availability of free places on specific dates.
  3. Signing up for a Training includes the following steps:
    1. filling in the Order Form on or sending an e-mail with the application either at [email protected] or to the contact person, providing name and surname/name of the Ordering Party, number of Training Participants, and the chosen date and name of the Training;
    2. making payments in accordance with the rules described in the Rules and Regulations.
  4. Preliminary Training sign-up confirmation is sent to the Ordering Party to the e-mail address given in the Order Form immediately after receiving the filled-in Order Form, however no later than within two business days from the date of its submission to the Service Provider.
  5. The information confirming Training sign-up is sent to the Ordering Party to the e-mail address given in the Order Form immediately after receiving the payment for the Training, however not later than within two business days from the date of the funds crediting the Service Provider's bank account.
  6. The Ordering Party has the right to change the personal data of the indicated Training Participants and to change the number of Participants after a prior arrangement with the Service Provider.
  7. The Service Provider reserves the right to end the Training sign-up process if the number of people willing to take part in a given Training exceeds the number of free places. Applications are processed in the order they are submitted. Applications submitted after exceeding the number of free places for a given Training shall be put on a reserve list.
  8. The Participants from the reserve list shall be signed up in chronological order.
  9. In the case of dedicated Trainings, separate proceedings established by the Ordering Party and the Service Provider apply, subject to paragraph 1 above.

§  3 Payment and prices

  1. Unless otherwise agreed between the Ordering Party and the Service Provider in a separate agreement or order, the amount due for the Training is equal to the amount indicated in the Price List on on the sign-up day or in the Promotional Price List.
  2. The price given for the open Training includes participation in classes, training materials (according to the specification in the Training description, available on, and in case of stationary training, hot and cold drinks, small catering, and lunch.
  3. The Training price does not include Participants travel and accommodation cost unless agreed otherwise by the Ordering Party and the Service Provider.
  4. Unless otherwise agreed between the Ordering Party and the Service Provider, all fees and charges for the Training to be attended are paid in Polish zlotys within 10 business days before the start of the Training.
  5. Payment should be made by transfer of funds into the bank account of the Service Provider, indicated in the form, e-mail correspondence or VAT invoice, depending on the form of application for Training.
  6. Unless the Ordering Party and the Service Provider have agreed otherwise in a separate agreement or order, the VAT invoice shall be issued by the Service Provider within 14 days of the receipt of the payment.
  7. In the event of the Ordering Party failing to fulfill their obligations derived from the provisions of this paragraph, the Service Provider reserves the right to remove them from the Training Participants list.
  8. Promotional prices cannot be combined with other discounts the Ordering Party is entitled to and resulting, among others, from individual arrangements with the Service Provider.

§ 4 Training Delivery

  1. The Service Provider undertakes to organize the Training at the time and place either specified in the sign-up confirmation or agreed with the Ordering Party, in the case of dedicated Trainings.
  2. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the Training date and place (within the agreed city limits) in the event that the number of registered people is lower than 8 or the trainer is not able to conduct the Training for ill-fated reasons. The Ordering Party shall be informed about this change by phone or email no later than 24 hours before the start of the Training. The Ordering Party is obliged to provide information on the change of the date and place of the Training to the Participants they signed up for the Training.
  3. In the event of cancellation of the Training, if it is not due to force majeure or other reasons for which the Service Provider is not responsible, the Ordering Party is entitled to the reimbursement of all costs on account of the Training. The Ordering Party shall not demand additional compensation for losses incurred as a result of changing the Training date or its cancellation.
  4. During the Training, the Participant is in particular obliged to:
    1. follow the generally accepted principles of social coexistence;
    2. treat other people who take part in the training (including the trainer) with respect;
    3. not disturb the order and peace during the training;
    4. take care of the equipment and furniture in the training room;
    5. observe the obligation to remain sober, resulting from the applicable provisions of law.
  5. Non-compliance with the rules specified in paragraph 4 above forms grounds for the exclusion of the Participant from the Training group without any right of reimbursement of costs incurred.
  6. Change of the date or resignation from the dedicated Training shall be realized on the basis of an annex to a separate contract or order agreed and concluded by the Service Provider and the Ordering Party.

§ 5 Rules and regulations concerning Training resignation and reimbursement of amounts due

  1. The Ordering Party has the right to cancel the Training reservation. Effective reservation cancellation shall be in a form of a statement of resignation from the Training., which should be sent by the Ordering party to the Service Provider by email to the address [email protected] or to the postal address of the Service Provider to the contact person. Acceptance of the cancellation from the Training is confirmed by the Service Provider in an e-mail sent to the address provided in the Order Form
  2. In the case of the Ordering Party’s effective resignation from the Training, in accordance with the rules set out in clause 1 above, the following rules for the reimbursement of the Training cost incurred by the Ordering Party apply:
    1. The Ordering Party shall receive a reimbursement of 100% of the incurred Training cost if the resignation from the Training is reported no later than on the 7th business day preceding the start date of the Training;
    2. The Ordering Party shall receive a reimbursement of 50% of the incurred Training cost if the resignation from the Training is reported between the 6th and the 5th business day before the start date of the Training;
    3. The Ordering Party shall not be entitled to the reimbursement of the incurred Training cost if the resignation from the Training is reported later than on the 5th business day before the start date of the Training.
  3. In accordance with the points above, the reimbursement of the Training cost incurred by the Ordering Party shall be realized within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Training Resignation Form by the Ordering Party. The reimbursement will be refunded using the same payment method used by the Ordering Party.
  4. If the Training Participant, reported by an Ordering Party that is not a Consumer, in accordance with § 5a clause 1 below, does not attend the classes on a fixed date and place, and the Ordering Party does not inform the Service Provider about their resignation from the Training in accordance with the rules set out in clause 1 above, the Ordering Party shall not be entitled to the reimbursement of the incurred costs and receivables paid in connection with a specific Training

§ 5a Terms and regulation of the Training resignation by Consumers and reimbursement of amounts due

  1. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to agreements concluded with consumers, as defined by the Civil Code in Article 221 (Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 2020, item. 1740, as amended), i.e. a natural person making a legal transaction with the trader not directly related to its business or professional activities ("Consumer").
  2. The Consumer who has entered into an agreement with the Service Provider for the provision of training services at a distance or off-premises ("Agreement") has the right to withdraw from the Training within 14 days without giving any reason and without incurring costs, subject to clauses 3 and 4 below.
  3. The Consumer who concludes the Agreement less than 14 days before the starting date of the Training agrees to start the Training before the expiry of the 14-day period referred to in clause 2. In this case, the right to withdraw from the Agreement does not apply from the beginning of the Training.
  4. If the Consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the Agreement, after an express request by him to perform the Service before the expiry of the 14-day period referred to in clause 2, he is then obliged to pay for the service performed until the withdrawal from such Agreement. The amount of payment shall be calculated in proportion to the extent of the provided performance.
  5. In the event of withdrawal by the Consumer, before the beginning of the Training, within the stipulated 14-day period referred to in clause 2, the Consumer will receive a refund of the amount paid.
  6. Reimbursement shall be made by the same method of payment used by the Consumer.
  7. Service Provider may require payment from the Consumer for the Training acquired under the Agreement also when the right of the Consumer has not yet expired 14-day period for withdrawal from the Agreement.
  8. Rules for cancellation of the Training by Consumers and reimbursement expressed in this paragraph shall apply to Training Vouchers.
  9. Withdrawal from the Agreement causes expiration of Additional Agreements.
  10. The provisions relating to the Consumer in this chapter shall apply to an individual who enters into a contract directly related to his business activity, when it is clear from the content of the contract that it does not have a professional character for that person, arising in particular from the subject of his business activity, made available based on the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.

§ 6 Ownership and copyright

  1. Only the Service Provider or authorized third parties hold the copyright to all training materials used to conduct Trainings. Reproduction and dissemination (in part or in whole) of materials provided as part of the Training is forbidden. In particular, it is forbidden for the Ordering Party to conduct commercial Trainings using the materials made available during the Service Provider's Training.

§ 7 Personal data and complaints

  1. By signing up for the Training, the Ordering Party authorizes the Organizer to process their personal data indicated in the Order Form for the purpose of organizing and conducting Trainings.
  2. Personal data provided by the Ordering Party in the Order Form shall be processed by the Organizer on the basis of article 6, section 1, point b of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC, hereinafter: General Regulation on data protection implementation of contracts for Trainings conducting.
  3. The Service Provider is the administrator of the personal data of the Ordering Party and Participants, gathered for the purpose of organizing and conducting the Trainings. The Ordering Party and the Participant have the right to inspect their personal data and request their correction or removal. Providing personal data is voluntary yet necessary for both conducting the Training in a proper way and participating in it. Failure to provide the data makes taking part in the Training impossible. The rules for the processing of personal data are set out in the Sii Privacy Policy.
  4. The Ordering Party and the Participant can grant voluntary consent to the processing of their personal data to the extent exceeding the one specified in paragraph 1 below, including marketing purposes, sending commercial information or conducting surveys and studies.
  5. After the Training, the Organizer shall immediately and permanently destroy the acquired personal data of the Participants and the Ordering Party, drawing up a scrap report.
  6. The Organizer is not responsible for violation of any rights, including personal rights related to the activities of other Training Participants.
  7. All complaints shall be submitted in writing and sent to the address of the Service Provider or in an electronic form at [email protected] no later than within 30 days from the end date of the Training. The complaint shall contain at least the following data: the Ordering Party's or Participant's identification data (name and surname/company name, address for correspondence, e-mail address, telephone number) and the subject matter of the complaint. The Service Provider shall consider the complaint within 14 business days of its receipt. The entity submitting the complaint shall be informed about the complaint consideration method in the form in which they filed the complaint.

§ 8 Training Vouchers

  1. The Ordering Party purchases a Training Voucher by phone, email, or through a form available on Service Provider's website.
  2. After receiving the application, a pro forma invoice shall be sent to the email address indicated by the Ordering Party.
  3. After receiving amounts due on account of the pro forma invoice, Sii sp. z o.o. shall send the Training Voucher within 14 business days of recording the payment. Sii Sp. z o.o. sends VAT invoice electronically to the e-mail address indicated by the Ordering Party.
  4. Making the payment means the acceptance of the Rules and Regulations.
  5. The Voucher with a VAT invoice can be collected from the registered office of Sii sp. z o.o.
  6. The Buyer purchases the Voucher for a Training offered by Sii sp. z o.o. The list of available Trainings can be found on
  7. Each Buyer has the right to purchase a Voucher entitling them to participate in the Training including an exam or only in the Training or an exam.
  8. Distribution of Training Vouchers takes place exclusively via Sii Sp. z o.o.
  9. Each Training Voucher includes the number, date of issue, name and surname of the person authorized to use the Voucher or the name of the legal entity that acquired the Voucher and the name of the Training concerned.
  10. Training Vouchers are not subject to any return, subject to the provisions of para. § 5a clause 8 of these regulations.
  11. Training Vouchers shall not be exchanged for cash.
  12. If the Buyer wishes to participate in a Training other than the one for which the Voucher was purchased and its value is lower than the value of the Voucher, Sii sp. z o.o. shall refund the difference in the form of a Voucher for other trainings specified in the offer.
  13. Training Vouchers cannot be sold.
  14. The Training Voucher is valid on the date indicated on the Voucher.
  15. In order to redeem the Training Voucher, the User shall sign up for the Training no later than 21 days prior to its start date provided on
  16. Sii sp. z o.o. reserves the right to refuse to sign up the Voucher User for an open Training of their choice, e.g. in the case of there being no free places in selected groups. In this case Sii sp. z o.o. shall propose a different date on which the Training Voucher User is able to redeem the Voucher. In special cases, the validity of the Voucher can be extended.
  17. Sii sp. z o.o. accepts only original Training Vouchers – stamped, with a specified expiration date, undamaged, and fully secured to exclude the risk of falsification. If Training Vouchers do not meet the aforementioned requirements, Sii Sp. z o.o. has the right to refuse the execution of such a Voucher.
  18. Training Vouchers cannot be used to pay for the Trainings included in the promotional offer.

§ 8 Final Provisions

  1. Sending a completed Order Form shall be deemed as a confirmation of becoming acquainted with and accepting the Rules and Regulations, at the same time creating an obligation to make a payment for the Training. The Service Provider shall not be liable for damages resulting from there being incorrect or untruthful data in the Order Form.
  2. The Service Provider is entitled to provide the same or similar services to other entities.
  3. The Service Provider reserves the right to introduce changes to the Rules and Regulations. These changes shall be published on a current basis on The conditions in force on the day of Ordering Party's sign-up for the Training are binding.
  4. Any disputes arising from the conditions described in the Rules and Regulations shall be settled amicably. If it is impossible to reach an agreement, all disputes shall be resolved before the court with jurisdiction over the seat of the Service Provider.
  5. The Rules and Regulations came into force on January 2nd, 2016.
  6. Any matters not regulated herein shall be governed by the generally applicable provisions, in particular of the Civil Code.



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