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IT@BANK 2021: Sii Poland among the best IT services providers for the banking industry once again

During this year’s IT@BANK conference, the results of the 16th ranking of the best IT services providers for the financial sector were announced. Sii Poland received an award for ‘Companies with the greatest development potential’.

The IT@BANK list included 45 largest IT companies present on the Polish market that provide IT systems and solutions as well as equipment for the financial sector. The Ranking presents companies characterized by very high development dynamics and the level of competitiveness.

– Since 2006, we have been dynamically developing on the Polish, European and American market. Without a shadow of a doubt, we are Unstoppable. It is also the slogan of our campaign on the occasion of the 15th anniversary – says Marcin Stadnik, Head of Financial Services, Banking & Insurance. – At the same time, we are constantly expanding the scope of our activities, both in the geographical sense; for several years, thanks to our representative office in Sweden, we have been providing our services to banks and other financial institutions in Scandinavia, but also in terms of content; only in 2021, we opened new Competence Centers specializing in ServiceNow, Contact Center, Mobile solutions and PMO-as-a-Service services. In turn, our existing Competence Centers, supporting clients in the areas of Business Intelligence, Dynamics CRM, SAP, Salesforce, Adobe and Atlassian, effectively cooperate with the world’s largest banking groups. Similarly, our training, testing and cybersecurity services are appreciated by financial institutions in Poland and the USA. For several years, we have also been developing our non-IT process outsourcing (BPO) offer, especially in the areas of data quality management and KYC / AML – he adds.

Over 350 participants took part in the virtual award ceremony, which took place on November 24, 2021.

For more information on the projects implemented by Sii Poland for the banking sector visit our website.

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