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Sii conquers the public sector

Sii continues its participation in the digitization of public administration. For several years now, the company has been operating dynamically in the public sector – after creating e-KRK, a turnkey solution for the Ministry of Justice, the company has carried out numerous projects for the Main Inspectorate of Road Transport and PKP Informatyka (to name just a few). Now it is the time for COI (Central IT Center). Recently the information about the public tender worth 116 mln PLN for the Central IT Center in which Sii was chosen one of the providers of IT services hit the headlines. The contract is shared with four other IT companies – Devire, Britenet, Transition Technologies and Cube ITG.

Engineers engaged in the execution of the contract for COI will have the chance to participate in projects significantly increasing the computerization of Poland, including: CEPIK 2.0, e-services, mDocuments, they will take care of the development of public registers ( e.g. the Central Register of Passport Documents) and the implementation of the eDowód project ( e-ID, the new electronic ID is to be used for authentication purposes in the public administration e-services and for signing digital documents).

Piotr Żukowski, Public Business Unit Director at Sii says – We have decided to participate in the tender for COI and to invest in public projects for several different reasons. EU funds from the 2014-2020 perspective, which accelerate the digitization of the country and the area of public administration, to be computerized in the nearest future, gives technologically advanced organizations and companies (and such is Sii), the possibility to carry out ambitious plans of Poland’s computerization and the chance of transferring their rich experiences of computerizing the business sector. Of course, like every commercial company, we are counting on attaining a certain level of profit, which will allow us further development and increase our assets.

There are many more areas of the e-State, which require implementing modern solutions and e-services. This is why, despite many difficulties arising from the specifics of the sector, Sii can see potential in the cooperation with the Public sector. By participating in the biggest tenders, the company proves that it is able to provide top class specialists, solutions and ready-made products, which will have an impact on the digital revolution of the country. Sii is also a partner for the public sector in the area of training and professional consultancy, e.g. in project management. It also provides development and maintenance services of existing systems.

In times of an apparent decrease in the number of public tenders and with visible financial problems of companies operating on the market, Sii can be distinguished by an unprecedented yearly increase in income and employment. Supported by a solid organizational and financial base – the company is aware of the challenges standing before IT providers in the public sector. This is why its operation is based not only on a stable financial situation, but also on an appropriate business organization. Nearly 3 years ago, Sii opened an expert organizational unit – the Public Business Unit, which employs experts with more than a dozen years of experience in public tenders, specializing in providing solutions responding to the rigorous formal requirements of this sector and at the same time managing project risk and demonstrating the ability of adjusting the choice of technological competences to the needs of public projects.

Furthermore, the situation on the public procurement market is changing. Until now public institutions took advantage of specialists outsourcing to a very limited extent. Today digitization must be more agile – as the changes are faster and the needs of the society are growing. It is worth adjusting the project work organization to these new circumstances. Body leasing and competence outsourcing – an area in which Sii is an expert, can be a natural response to these needs.


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