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Sii Poland is once again the “Star” of Employer Branding Stars! The winners of this year’s EBI ranking are now announced!

Employer Branding Institute (EBI) is one of the first employer branding agencies in Poland, currently a leader in its industry. In this year’s EBI ranking, Sii Poland achieved a high score of 68%, earning the title of the “Star”. In practice, this means that a company can be defined as an organization that cares about building a strong employer brand.

The Employer Branding Star is of special value for Sii Poland due to the criterion determining its award. According to the EBI, the awards are based solely on data, therefore the winning companies are truly the best managed employer brands.

In addition to winning the title of Employer Branding Star, we also received special awards in several categories, strengthening our image against the background of the best Polish employers. In this year’s edition of the ranking, we can be proud of awards in the following areas:

  • Developing employees
  • Candidate experience
  • Empowering employees
  • Employee recognition

It gives us great joy to receive awards in categories that relate to our Power People. This is another proof for us that every day we implement one of the main goals of Sii Poland, which is the satisfaction of employees, who are the key value of the company.

Would you like to contribute to achieving similar results in upcoming prestigious competitions and rankings? Check current job offers and join us!

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