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Taming the new reality with MS Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 is a tool that effectively supports organizations operating on any scale in almost every sector. Choosing the right partner is extremely important in the entire process. At Sii Poland,
over 150 Dynamics 365 consultants, architects, and developers support the clients at every stage, from system selection to go-live. It is crucial for the clients to integrate the system with the existing ones without disrupting business continuity and to create flexible ecosystems adjustable to their companies’ changing needs.

During the challenging time of the two-year pandemic, we have observed two approaches to key investments. The first involves putting spending decisions on hold in the face of an uncertain future; the second is to act by the principle that digitization is the key to generating competitive advantage. In a world where information exchange has become even more important, especially in distributed environments, efficient IT services are essential.

Which IT solutions did Polish IT companies rely on in 2021?

– Since the beginning of 2021, we have been seeing an increase in investments by our clients who implement, develop, and improve IT infrastructure inside their companies. We have noticed a growth in spending in practically all areas, including modern workspace tools that enable efficient remote work, systems supporting e-commerce, or migration to cloud solutions. One of the most important trends is also the development of ERP class solutions – notes Krzysztof Krężel, Chief Operating Officer at Sii Poland.

Enterprises winning the competitive race in today’s world have not only the best customer service systems but also solutions that enable optimization and automation of all internal processes as well as applications supporting basically every area of the company’s operations. Many of Sii’s clients have noticed the huge potential of MS Dynamics 365 and how the benefits from the implementation of the system are visible almost immediately, in black and white. Microsoft Dynamics 365 has been present on the Polish market for a long time, but it was only about three years ago that companies started to look closely at the new version of the system previously known as MS Dynamics AX. Currently, we notice significantly greater maturity of the market and higher customer confidence when it comes to choosing this solution to support the clients’ organizations. This is due to, among other things, what Microsoft offers today on the Dynamics 365 platform – it is not just a classic ERP system, as it works as a set of advanced business applications supporting each area of a given organization.

Being one of the largest integrators of this solution on the Polish market, Sii is perfectly familiar with the capabilities of the system, which has been appreciated by numerous trading partners. The long-standing experience of our experts covers implementations of various sizes and scopes in the majority of economic sectors. A particularly interesting case is the cooperation with a client that involved the correlation of several solutions: Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 SCM, Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, and Dynamics 365 Field Service. In our projects, we also use the core components of Power Platform – Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, and Portals.

Gaspol is one of the companies that have recently decided to invest in a new ERP solution. The company has been using the Dynamics system since 2003. Now, the time has come to implement the strategy of the whole SHV Energy Group, which includes Gaspol – system migration to the cloud. The implementation of Dynamics 365 is a considerable challenge. First, because the organization is switching to cloud solutions, and secondly, because the current ERP is quite well-adjusted to Gaspol’s specific characteristics.

– We have decided to cooperate with Sii in this rather difficult project because of the company’s vast experience in Dynamics 365 implementations, and also because Sii experts support us in designing the new global corporate architecture introduced by the group – says Michał Kozieł, Head of ICT at Gaspol Poland.

ERP solutions by Microsoft are appreciated not only by companies from the energy sector but also by almost all sectors of the economy.

– At mBank, we use the Microsoft Dynamics 2012 system in the fields of financial management, purchasing and material management, internal and external sales, fixed assets, and budgets. The system is a flexible solution that allows us to introduce changes and write modules tailored to the needs of our business departments – says Eliza Stasińska, IT Director at mBank, who is responsible for the development and maintenance of systems supporting internal processes in the bank. – At the moment, we are planning to migrate the system to the Dynamics 365 version. At this stage, we will look at the architecture of our customizations and try to make maximum use of ready-made components offered by the new version – she adds.

Is there an industry that Dynamics 365 cannot handle?

– The potential offered by the platform, which is constantly updated and customized, is virtually unlimited. By implementing cloud solutions, clients, in addition to the return on investment in the classic sense, get prospects for development because the service can be enriched with new functionalities launched at any time, depending on the business needs of a given organization – says Hanna Kurek, Dynamics 365 Business Group Lead at Microsoft Poland.

A manufacturer of catering equipment and stainless steel furniture, Stalgast, also decided to implement the latest version of Dynamics 365 and move it to the cloud. The organization had been using the Dynamics AX 2009 version in its companies for years in the areas of finance, purchasing, sales, warehouses, and production. The aim of the cooperation was not to copy AX 2009 in the new version of Dynamics 365 but to use the potential offered by the new Microsoft platform. In addition, the scope of the project covered not only the implementation of an ERP system but also complementary applications such as D365 Sales to support sales and D365 Field Service to support maintenance activities.

– While preparing for the Dynamics 365 system implementation, we wanted to find a partner who would be responsible not only for the process itself but also for the idea and consulting in terms of selecting the scope of the project along with optimization of the planned activities. We wanted a company with broad competencies in the area of Dynamics 365. This is how we found Sii Poland. From the very beginning, our cooperation has been based on partnership. Sii presented its idea of the project and proposed a complete scenario matching our expectations – says Adrian Klarowski, IT Director at Stalgast. – Another condition that had to be met by a potential partner was the selection of an appropriate implementation team with extensive experience and skills. Here, too, Sii rose to the challenge and engaged a team that brings real benefits to the cooperation – he concludes.

From considering the implementation of MS Dynamics service in the company to its full completion, Sii gladly supports its clients at any point of the decision path. If you want to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation, visit the MS Dynamics enterprise software website.

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