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Feel like you’re among friends! Sii Lublin’s new campaign shows that having fun and professional development can go hand in hand

Sii Lublin has launched a new image campaign, proving that Great Place to Work isn’t just a plaque on the wall. More than 20 smiling heroes, a session in the Saxon Garden, and a lot of fun – this is how you can sum up the unconventional campaign, which refers visually to the iconic Friends TV series. The goal is to show that you can do things differently in IT!

IT photoshoot in the park, away from computers, server rooms, and glass-walled meeting rooms? Such things can only happen in Lublin! The unconventional approach to the campaign shows what’s most important for the branch – the spirit of fun, creativity, and the power of teamwork. Where did such an idea come from?

The “Feel like you’re among friends” campaign is only one example of the involvement of the entire branch in building the company’s image. The idea and implementation were developed in cooperation with the Employee Committee, consisting of representatives of various project teams and Line Managers.

– When the suggestion was made during the discussion that the campaign should be based on the theme of the Friends TV series, everyone immediately “felt” the idea and identified with it. We decided to implement it because the series promotes a positive attitude, passion, commitment, team spirit, and authenticity, which are the company’s values – says Justyna Radomska, Regional Recruitment Department Manager, revealing the behind-the-scenes of the campaign. And where did the concept to combine Sii Lublin and the hit series come from?

– The reference to Friends was my idea ­– explains Barbara Skolimowska, Associate Business Manager at Sii Poland. – When I was invited to vote for the campaign theme, I thought about how to show through a billboard what we are like “from the inside” and what distinguishes Sii. I thought that this was the perfect way to express not only our work culture and atmosphere but also the fact that we inspire and motivate each other. Regardless of my being a fan of the series, such a campaign is another opportunity to spend some cool time with colleagues – she adds.

And this was indeed the case, as the campaign evoked plenty of positive emotions. The 29 heroes of the photo session, whom we can see on billboards and bus backs in Lublin since September 1st, brought Sii Spirit to the set, creating unusual and colorful creations.

– We all had a great time during the session in the Saxon Garden – you have to admit that it was an out-of-the-box endeavor. A couch and a lamp against a background of the fountain, a photographer, camera flashes, a group of people – it caused a lot of interest among passers-by – laughs Justyna Radomska.

100% team spirit

Team spirit, which is one of the main messages of the campaign, is undoubtedly an important value for the branch. This is confirmed not only by the result of the photoshoot but also by the fact that Sii is the only IT company in Lublin awarded the Great Place to Work title. According to the questionnaires collected during the survey, the friendly atmosphere is the factor that employees value most at Sii.

How did the branch manage to achieve such results and create a work environment where nearly 800 people from different specializations feel comfortable with each other?

– The Sii Lublin branch has a ton of ideas for making work more pleasant – from all kinds of team-building meetings to sports challenges, to the unique friendly atmosphere, which is just the most ordinary and obvious thing here ­– says Karolina Karwan, Junior Test & Analysis Engineer, one of the photoshoot’s heroes, commenting on daily work at Sii.

– An escape room in the office, Friend’s Day, Sii Breakfast, or Carnival Ball – says Angelika Gosk, HR Operations Team Leader, listing just some of the ways to create a close-knit team. – Our employees are very eager to participate in the events and integration activities that we organize for them, and this always promotes getting to know each other better. What’s more, Sii Lublin employees are not just a passive audience of the events. They also come up with ideas themselves, for example, to set up new interest groups, such as Board Games Sii, or with ideas to support charities as part of the Sii Power Volunteers program – she adds.

Are all these benefits and Sii’s commitment to developing employees’ interests and passions that important to the sense of satisfaction in the branch?

– I pay attention to whether the company supports me in extra activities. Having different experiences from previous jobs, I was very positively surprised by Sii’s attitude – says Sebastian Mysakowski, Software Engineer, who is currently developing an internal LinkedIn for the largest bank in Europe.

Hundreds of interesting projects

Fun and team spirit is only half the story. In addition to satisfaction in the workplace, it is also important to create opportunities for professional development for each employee. In this area, Sii Lublin also has something to boast of – hundreds of interesting projects aren’t just a campaign slogan, there are 800 projects carried out in the branch for international clients representing all industry sectors. Sii Lublin’s portfolio includes companies such as Puma, ABB, CGM, Reckitt, SHV Energy, Ingenico, KUKA, Staples, Berlingske Media, and Qiagen. 

– The list of technologies used for development is also long –  from embedded systems in C/C++ or Java Embedded through desktop and web applications in .Net Core, C#, TypeScript, Java, Docker, Kubernetes, to microservices. Or even mobile applications in Kotlin, Swift, Flutter, and Java, as well as ERP systems: MS Dynamics AX, Dynamics 365 – says Artur Palac, Sii Lublin Regional Director.

And what does professional development at Sii look like in practice? Damian’s career path is the best example of how the mixture of company potential and a good atmosphere can translate into personal success and job satisfaction.

– Of course, you can’t achieve everything with the atmosphere alone, so the fact that there are people around me who’re skilled in their work and don’t hesitate to help has undeniably contributed to the fact that I am where I am – says Damian Rawski, Architect. – I joined Sii during my last year at the university. I must admit that I started completely “green” – I had the knowledge, but as the work reality showed, there wasn’t enough of it to feel confident. And this is how I started my adventure as a Junior Developer. Today, after these 8 years of hard work, I have grown remarkably, I’m an Architect, and Sii is still the first employer for me in my adult life –­ he adds.

– Sii gives opportunities, develops, appreciates, and makes you feel that your actions matter. It teaches you to work in a team, but also to work on yourself. It’s a very comfortable place for you to be professionally fulfilled ­– says Karolina Karwan about her perspective.

Do you want to experience such development opportunities, and feel like you are among friends? Become part of the Sii Lublin team! Check out the job offers and join us.

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