Record results – a summary of the 4th edition of Let’s Code
We are after the 4th edition of the Let’s Code night hackathon which brought record results. 107 registered teams, nearly 350 registered people, 68 groups that took part in the competition in 8 cities in Poland, 60 applications and 49 media patrons!
Let’s Code is organized every year by the Sii company and with every edition attracts a larger number of participants. This year, 107 teams registered to the contest! The increase in popularity is connected with the quality of applications. This is a challenge because the participants have only 20 hours to prepare an app. The hackathon consists of two stages – the local and global one.
On the 18th and 19th of November in Gdańsk, Warsaw, Łódź, Poznań, Lublin, Wrocław, Cracow and Katowice the contestants took part in the local stage of the competition and fought for a place in the global stage and awards – smartwatches Samsung Galaxy S2 Classic. In total 60 applications in three competition categories were created: business, social and passion & lifestyle.
In the global stage, everything depended on the votes of Internet users. The top 27 applications have been published on the website Over 5,000 votes were cast in 5 days! Everyone could vote only once. The winning team received over 1500 votes and won the main prize – 10 000 PLN. The winning application was Petalert – by the Gloo team from Lublin. Thanks to this app you will be able to find your lost pet or help homeless animals find a new home.
This year we also have a record number of media partners: Harvard Business Review Polska, ICAN Institute, Dziennik Wschodni, TVP3 Łódź, TVP3 Lublin,, Prezydent Miasta Łodzi, Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Umiejętności, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Programista – Magazyn, Warszawski Programista, Wroclife, Nasz Głos Poznański,, Outsourcing&More, Outsourcing Portal, Magazyn Studentów Semestr, Polskie Radio Lublin, Radio Poznań, Radio Kampus, Radio UG MORS – Mega Otwarte Radio Studenckie, Radio Freee, Radio Kolor, Studenckie Radio Żak Politechniki Łódzkiej, Radio Centrum, Lublin Miasto Inspiracji, Forum Młodych Lewiatan LUBLIN,,, Młodzi w Łodzi, Business Link Lublin, Inkubatory AIP, iknuró, Hack Silesia, Lublin Nasze Miasto, Lubelska Wyżyna IT, Grupa .NET PG, WSB.Code();, Szkoła Programowania WSEI, Biuro Karier KUL, Biuro Karier Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Koło Naukowe Informatyków, Koło Naukowe Kolor, Podaj Dalej, Muzeum Historii Komputerów i Informatyki, Fundacja Światowego Tygodnia Przedsiębiorczości, and!
Thank you all for your support and commitment!